Director: Marcelo Mosse

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Actualizado de Segunda a Sexta

6 de Abril, 2021


The first time “human rights” appeared in written form was in the Code of Hammurabi – where the law of the talion was the most famous code. 
The Hammurabi Code, written by King Hammurabi, in 1772 B.C. represents a set of written texts, one of the best preserved examples, the articles describe the model cases to be applied in similar issues. 
Its main objective was to limit the sentences, through the Law of the Talion, equivalent to the principle of retaliation and reciprocity, from which it follows, the sentence would not be an excessive revenge, instead a proportional to the offense committed by the criminal, which recalls a popular saying: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. 
At the time, society was divided into three important classes, namely:
  •  Awilum: Free men, landowners, who did not depend on the palace and the temple; 
  •  Muskênum Middle tier, civil servants, who had limitations regarding usage of land; 
  •  Wardum: Slaves, who could be bought and sold until they were able to buy their freedom. 
  • For illustrative purposes, Art. 25 § 227, statues that; – “If a builder built a house for an Awilum and the house he constructed fell and caused the death of the house owner, that builder will be killed”. 
  • In his epilogue, Hamurabi states that he drafted the set of human rights “so that the strong would not harm the weak, thereby protecting widows and orphans” and “to resolve all disputes and remedy any offenses”. 
  • Kant defines, in turn, human rights as being “a set of conditions, according to which, the arbitration of each one can coexist with the arbitration of the others, according to the general law of freedom”. 
  • Neither the Mesopotamians, nor the civilizations that followed up to this date, invented human rights. 
  • Human rights was born with civilization. Its purpose is to regulate human relations, in order to achieve peace and prosperity in society, thus preventing disorder and crime. 
  • The greatest violation of human rights in the history of mankind was the territorial occupation carried out by European colonialists, through the oppression of indigenous peoples, the massacre, abusive and continuous exploitation of resources, to date, within the framework of the strategy of impoverishment of indigenous peoples. 
  • There are no national, regional, continental, multilateral, bilateral institutions, much less foreign and national NGOs that condemn this long and ignoble violation of the freedom of peoples, in particular, in the Southern Hemisphere. Why? (think about it). 
  • While we’re being beheaded, murdered and our wealth destroyed, we do not receive support from the “International Community” and its traditional institutions, why? 
  • Certainly because they were waiting for the capitulation of our sovereignty over Cabo Delgado, in the end, to distribute our valuable resources, as they did at the Berlin Conference. Where has Amnesty International gone, while we’ve been and are being exploited, oppressed and decimated? 
  • After all, who represents Amnesty International? Where does it come from and what is their status? Their history? Who funds it? What is their credibility? 
  • Amnesty International is an NGO founded in 1961 in England (UK), by Mr. Peter Benenson, a lawyer of Jewish origin; 
  • Amnesty International is funded by the British and American Governments, among others;
    Its objective was “the defense of human rights” and its slogan: “..better to light a candle than to curse the darkness..” 
  • His history in defending the human rights of Jewish and European prisoners was notable, however.
In 1963, according to documentary evidence, the secret support of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs was proved, in which secret agents around the world were requested to support Amnesty International’s campaigns. 
Still in 1963 Amnesty International asked Colonial Cabinet Minister Lord Lansdowne for support for racist white refugees fleeing persecution by apartheid fighters in the RSA border area that is now Botswana. Amnesty argued its request to the British Government in the following terms quoted: “We would like to reiterate our view that these [British] territories should not be used for offensive political actions by opponents of the [racist] South African government, whose communist influence should not be allowed to spread in this part of Africa, given the delicate current situation. Amnesty International would like to support Her Majesty’s Government in implementing such a policy ”- end of quote; 
In 1964 Amnesty International failed to classify Nelson Mandela as a “prisoner of conscience” for being accused and convicted of violence by the Racist Government of South Africa; 
During British colonization in Yemen, a Swedish Amnesty International official reported torture by the British government, in the Aden jail, according to the testimony of the Co-Founder of Amnesty Internacional, Eric Baker, who accused Amnesty International’s collusion with the British Government, to keep the compromising reports of the British secret, at the request of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, George Brown. 
In 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Amnesty International falsely accused the Government of Iraq of stealing 300 babies in incubators that later left them to die in the cold. This false accusation was used in England, the EU and the United States of America, and the supporter gave false testimony before the Human Rights Commission of the American Congress, whose testimony had been repeated numerous times by the President of the USA George W Bush, against the Iraqi Government. 
Until the slanderous invention was proven, the Iraqi government was weakened.
The investigation proved that there were not even 300 incubators in the region concerned. This case became known worldwide as the “Nayirha” case. 
Mozambicans were “toasted” 15 days ago with news released by Lusa, BBC, Deutsche Welle and other foreign and national “information” bodies, as well as by national NGOs, accusing the Government of Mozambique of grossly violating Human Rights. Humans, in the war against terrorists, in the Province of Cabo Delgado. 
This misinformation stems from a defamatory report submitted by Amnesty International, however, Mozambique has been under attack by terrorists for 3 years in the Province of Cabo Delgado, where barbaric murders of defenceless citizens and about 700,000 refugees and an undetermined number of displaced people. 
There is a record of the destruction of public infrastructure such as; hospitals, schools, industries and commerce, as well as completely destroyed markets and villages. Nevertheless, we have never heard a pronouncement condemning these barbaric acts by Amnesty International. 
The Government of Mozambique has found solutions to guarantee the defense of its territorial integrity, and is combating terrorists with its own means, which allowed 98% control over the vast Cabo Delgado Province. 
As a result, the DFS – Defense and Security Forces are achieving what many countries, the so-called military powers, have not achieved in the fight against transnational terrorism. 
The esteemed reader must then be asking why this vilifying attack on the Government of Mozambique? (in its most impoverished strategy of impoverishment). It is simple, after the General Peace Agreement, signed in 1992, between the Government and Renamo, the economy of Mozambique had a double-digit growth, having even reached 18% of GDP. The response of the “international community” was to declare a state of emergency and, for 10 years, they provided free food (cereals, cooking oil, etc.) in such a way that local producers gave up producing food because they were unable to sell their production. 
Furthermore, they invented a new doctrine that they called “food for work”, that is; peasants, men and women, who previously worked in agriculture started to repair precarious roads (in a vicious cycle of each rainy season) in exchange for food. 
As an immediate result, we lost the culture of farming, we destroyed our infrastructure, we bankrupted the agro-industries and we impoverished our country. 
Can anyone be FREE without staple foods?
Can we have DEMOCRACY with hungry and illiterate people? 
It is clear that, with these false accusations of human rights violations by the FDS-Security Defense Forces in Cabo Delgado, Amnesty International and its traditional funders pursue their goals of ensuring that MOZAMBICANS DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE COMBATIVE CAPACITY TO DEFEND THEIR TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY. 
It was with the same strategy that convinced successive Mozambican governments that we are “absolute poor”. 
COVID-19 taught me that the poor are those who, being unemployed in a “developed” country, cannot survive 90 days, without subsidies and support, but it is also teaching me that Africans survive on their own, and with the support of the family and the community in which they belong. 
We are by far a better structured society, with enviable human values, with fraternity, with faith and love. The greatest human right is life – says civilisation  say the Holy Books, the Constitutions and the Charter of Human Rights. 
What legitimacy does a NGO, institution or country have if they ignore massacres against defenceless populations, in order to demand protection from terrorists? 
Mr Commander-in-Chief of the Defense and Security Forces, do not be intimidated by these “slanderers” without credibility. (Re)instill the FDS, with the imperviousness of the Defense of the Fatherland with zeal, with respect for the rules and laws of civilisation, as we have always done, according to our traditions values, however, I advise you to relentlessly end the enemies of Mozambique. 
We want to be free from these colonialists,
We want to resume the postponed fight against external and internal impoverishment systems, 

A luta continua,
Amade Camal 

Ref: Enciclopedia Británica, Wikipedia 

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